The Summer Reading Program will run May 28-June 28.
Monday-Thursday 10:00-6:00
Calendar of Events

Family Fun
Tuesdays at 10
June 4 - Fish Sticks Comedy
June 11 - Creature Teacher
June 18 - Ramblin' Rita
June 25 - End of Summer Reading Bubble Blast
Family Friendly Movies every Monday at 4:00
June 3-Jungle Cruise
June 10-Luca
June 17-Moana
June 24-Lilo & Stitch
Story time
Wednesdays at 10:30 & 4:30
Camp Calendar
Wednesday SWAP Meets
Trade your old stuff for something new to you!
June 5-Puzzle Swap
June 12 - Pokemon Card Swap
June 19 - Book Swap
June 25 - Plant Swap
Each item you bring in will be traded for a ticket to use in the swap. Items can be brought in starting May 28th or with you the day of the swap. (no early plants please)
Party Tuesdays 4-6
Let's have some fun!
June 4 - Bluey Party
June 11- Taylor Swift Party
June 18 - Stuffie Sleepover
June 25 - Barbie Makeover Party
from 4:00-6:00 (come & go)
Monster Mouths, Hypnotizer, Flyers, and Electric Vehicles